Jaypee Institute Of Information Technology
10, A Block, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201309
College Information
The Institute is fully backed and supported by the Jaypee Group of Companies who recognize the role of IT and emerging technologies in improving the quality of life of the people in India. JIIT strives to play a leading role in the development of technical manpower and research programs comparable to the best in India and the world.
The academic year consists of basically Two Semesters (Engg Programs) and Three Trimesters for MBA Program. The education system is organized around a credit system that ensures continuous evaluation of students' performance and provides flexibility to choose courses of interest and to progress at an optimum pace suited to students’ ability or convenience. Each course is assigned a certain number of credits depending upon the class contact hours. A specified number of credits and CGPA are to be completed satisfactorily in order to qualify for a degree. The medium of instruction is English.